Friday, November 20, 2015

The Coming Conference

Imagine a Conference Room, filled with nearly 5000 of the most brilliant high school students from around the state. I see myself up on a stage with so many pairs of eyes staring at me, waiting from me to start my presentation, to open my mouth, to "impress" them with my technology skills. I see my friends on the front row, my peers, rooting for me, but nervous at the same time. I see myself nervous. I feel the pressure closing in from around the room, making the air thick and my skin crawl. I notice the beads of sweat on my palms, shaking just like my hands. I fear the silence of me, of the crowd, of my presentation. I know it is time to go out and show it all. 
But I am not scared. I am prepared. I have rehearsed my presentation. I am truly passionate about technology and know what to say, what not to say, and how to convince my audience that LNC inspires its students. I am not scared, NO. I am excited! I get to show off, to prove to the world, and possible future employers that I have what it takes. I know my stuff. I have be diligent for years with my school work. I have the record to show it. I am not scared of this platform. I am not scared of this Conference. I am excited. 
Yesterday, I applied to be a representative of my Dig Cit class for a Technology Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina. It will be held on March 2nd - 4th, and I will be presenting about my passion project and how the Dig Cit class has shaped me into a model online presence for the school and my peers. I cannot wait for this leadership opportunity. It will be an eye opening experience, one I will not be able to just breeze through. I am prepared to put in the time and create a presentation that will knock the socks off any educational Admin at the conference. I will update you all further if I get the position as the student spokesperson. 

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