Friday, December 4, 2015

Public Announcement!

         The past two weeks in my Digital Multimedia and Global Citizenship class we have created PSAs (Public Service Announcements) to present to our school. Each group of three or four students was given a different "hot" topic that is controversial today. My group was responsible with informing the school on the importance of your "Digital Footprint". 
A Digital Footprint is your unique set of digital activities, actions, and communications that leave a data trace on the internet or on a computer or other digital device. It can include things like Facebook updates, search histories, or even video downloads. Every time you like, comment, or edit anything online, it is recorded and can be traced back to you. Sounds kind of scary, right? Imagine, future employers or college admission officials having access to all of your tweets! Would you change what you post? 
The idea behind my group's PSA is to make high school student think twice about what they put out online. One bad Instagram picture can really ruin your reputation and effect your ability to succeed in the future. We want everyone to be careful while logged in.  

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