Friday, November 13, 2015

Video Advice

This past week, my Dig Cit class interviewed a graduate of our school, Kevin Beaty, who is out in the work force and battling real world problems involving jobs and internships out of college. He was a real go getter and I saw a lot of my qualities and characteristics in him. He works in the film industry, an area I am not very interested in, but I did relate to his video journalism. Although he originally majored in Photography, Kevin recognized the importance of being multifaceted, and he explored the career opportunities of video production. 
I related to this because in my passion project, I am creating videos that will guide students through iPad repair. Unfortunately, we did not have enough time for Kevin to answer all my questions about video production. However, I did get a good sense of the time and effort that is required to put together videos. I also found a new respect for professionalism, and now understand the necessity for the videos to be appealing and interesting to my target audience, my peers and faculty. 
To speak further on my passion project, I am excited to work on my Quarter 2 deliverables. My soccer season is over, freeing up a lot of after school to work one on one with my mentor. I will come back next week with more updates!

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