Friday, October 30, 2015


     I am so glad that I used the "Time to Innovate" project in relation to my Passion Project. I was able to kill two birds with one stone, as they say. I created an interactive keynote presentation that walks users through the problems that students might encounter with their iPads. It starts with a satirical use of an into slide to break the tension, stating that by continuing to the next slide, the user was "embarking on a journey". By tapping on the button with that text, the keynote moves to the next slide. 

The next slide lists all the problems that could be encountered by students throughout the year as they use, update and play around with their iPads. The title of the slide says, "Are you having trouble with..." and then the slide lists wifi connectivity, using iCloud, glitchy screens, trouble sending or receiving emails, Accessing Self-Service, or watching videos as issues. Beside it are two buttons: maybe and nope. Selecting maybe directs you to the next slide to continue the journey, while nope guides you to a slide that says you lying because everyone has some part of their iPad they are having difficulty with! 

The keynote will be set up next to my poster board during my Community pitch and will be available for people to explore. I am sure that it will be a hit, or as much as a keynote can be. I am glad that I do not have to create another visual for my project and I am very excited for the pitch next Thursday!

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