Friday, October 2, 2015

Meet Mr. Brian

In the past few days, I have really stepped up my work ethic on my Passion Project. I have been actively attacking my deliverables for first quarter, especially my website. Thanks to the guidance from my teacher, I decided to use Weebly for my website. I will post the videos and troubleshooting walkthroughs there instead of trying to jump on my school's webpage or onto the 2016 group on Schoology. This way, I can create my own interactive space that I can reuse over and over again, make changes to at any time, and furthermore, show to future employers to prove my skill with computer coding and computer design.  

In the next week, I plan on creating a list of all the problems that occur regularly to students that I could show how to fix. Some of the problems are: pairing your keyboard with your iPad, connecting to the internet/home wifi, reseting an iPad, creating an Adobe cloud account, backing up files to iCloud, backing up files to Schoology, protecting passwords using the Keychain app, setting up extra email accounts on the iPad, and many others. 

I have already discussed my project with my mentor, we will call him Mr. Chester Brian (my two favorite first names...). Mr. Brian is in full support of my project and enthusiastically agreed to be my mentor. He is the technology director at my school and believes that my passion project will actually make is job easier, since his fellow teachers will be able to use my site to solve their problems rather than calling Mr. Brian down to fix them. Overall, I like the direction my passion project is going and I cannot wait for my Weebly site to be up and running. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha does Mr. Chester Brian prefer you not to use his real name? ;)
