Thursday, October 22, 2015

Creating a Dynasty

I have learned a lot this week while working through some kinks with my Passion Project. Unexpectedly, most of those lesson came through me trying to explain the benefits of my project to other people, especially on college applications. I have mentioned my Passion Project at least once on every college app I have turned in so far, as well as on many of my scholarship forms. The idea of a student using school issued technology to benefit his peers and the school's administration is great material for essays.
However, I realized that my passion project would not be up and fully running until the end of the year, when most of the students are turning in their iPads. For my project to be useful to the school, a new, like-minded student would need to take the project over and continue to improve on it through the rest of his years at High School once I have graduated. This was a bit of an eye opener for me, and as the week progressed, I started to look for a fellow student with characteristics like mine who would be able to continue my vision with the website. 
I found such a student in my Technology Assistant II class. He is a Junior, but yet he knows far more than me about technology. He is fantastic with computer coding, which is evident with his 3D printing, and also teaches me daily more about the iPads that I am suppose to be the expert on. He is the perfect candidate to carry on my website. 

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