Friday, December 11, 2015

Recreational Reflection

As the first semester of my Digital Multimedia and Global Citizenship comes to a close, the big, scary midterm creeps up to the front door of next week. We have a two or more page reflection on the Passion Project and our progress due by Wednesday of next week. Most of the class is freaking out right now, worried about the long hours of work they will have to put in over the next week to finish the paper WHILE they study and prepare for other course midterms as well. However, due to my extra effort during my Community Pitch, I will be able to breeze through this seemingly excruciating essay. 
About 3 weeks ago, the Dig Cit class presented our passion project to the community in our Community Pitch event one day after school. I took this event very seriously, as a chance for me to gather all my work and thought for my Passion Project. My project board was so very detailed, with over three or four pages of information on things like my progress, my mentor, my plan, my future, and my goals for my passion project. 
At the time, I did not realize how helpful all that work would be. But now, I nearly have my reflection finished and I have only spend 30 minutes editing it and pulling the material together. I am so glad that I worked harder earlier in the year so that I would have more time for studying for other exams now. 


  1. The blog is very relatable! But how do you plan to promote your project? Awesome job so far, can't wait to hear your TED talk and final product in the spring.

    1. I plan on asking the teachers to promote my website once it is up and running. It will hopefully be useful to them so that students do not have to leave class to go to the tech lab. They can keep all their classtime.

  2. What do you have planned for the second semester for your project. I love how detailed the poster is, by looking at the poster, I can tell what the project is about and any questions I have! Good job!
