Friday, September 18, 2015


Within the last week, my family and I hired an expert writer to help me write my college essays. As a senior who is looking at some top level schools (Georgia Tech, NC State, USC), my college essays need to be precise, purposeful, and very effective at selling me as a student. To be completely honest, many of the applications I need to fill out scare me and the idea of completing four early action applications, 3 essay required scholarships, and juggling varsity soccer and homework makes my palms sweaty. I knew that if I did not get on top of the workload early and have help, I would not meet my many early deadlines. 

As my personal essay consultant picked my brain about my leadership, service, and passion, I really opened up to her, allowing her to see deep emotions within me that most people never get to see, emotions that I don't really understand why I have or what causes them. The essay help doubled as a counseling session for me, where I learned more about myself and my actual motivations towards sports or academics. 

When I spoke about my hard work in school, I realized that I work so hard in order to make sure I achieve more than my brother and to make my parents proud of me. Personally, I though I always spent extra time studying so that I can be prepared for college, when actually, I just want to overwork my brother. Simple questions brought about the most profound of responses and really exposed an emotional side of me that I had never explored before. 

I find it very interesting how God works through other people in our life to help us stay on track and reveal things about ourselves he had no idea of before. I cannot wait to get the report back from my essay helper and to start those college applications!!! 

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