Monday, September 7, 2015


After the Shark Tank presentations, I learned that my passion project is somewhat unique compared to other passion projects of my peers. While I focus on an idea that would teach me about my future career (computer science), my peers have selected more service based projects that involve direct contact with people less fortunate (the homeless or kids in third world countries) or people who are under-respected (feminism, gay marriage). I am starting to worry that I have come up with a passion project that is not congruent to the aim of the course I am taking. 

As I have talked about in previous posts, my passion project is to create a web page that will walk my fellow students through how to troubleshoot problems on their school-issued iPads. I believe that my webpage will help students get the most out of their education as well as teach them basic technology skills that will be needed in college. However, most of the students who attend my school are well privileged and do not necessarily need service to better their lives. 

I do think that my passion project will be a benefit to the school, but should I focus my efforts in a different direction in an attempt to help those who may be in more need of my help? 
I am very passionate about my original idea, but I also want to help others as much as possible. Do you, the readers of my blog, think I should stick to my original passion project or create a new, more helpful one that may impact more needy people? 

1 comment:

  1. I think your passion project is totally in line with the course. Remember that you each have to contribute of your OWN genius - not everyone's projects are going to look the same, nor should they. :)
